Onyx for yosemite mac
Onyx for yosemite mac

onyx for yosemite mac onyx for yosemite mac

To access the functionality of the app, you’ll need to go through the various tabs, which we’ll walk through one by one. Onyx’s default screen actually includes no options. Once the disk scan has been completed successfully, click “OK.”ħ. You don’t have to do this, but it only takes a few moments, and it’s worth the check.Ħ. This way, it can run maintenance tasks more quickly. Here’s our finally preparatory step: Onyx likes to verify the integrity of your system disk up front. After you read them, untick “Display at launch” to avoid seeing the agreement at each launch. You’ll also need to agree to Onyx’s terms of use. It won’t make any changes until you actually do something, so you can click “OK” without fear.Ĥ. Because Onyx can fiddle with deep system functions, it needs admin access to run. You’ll also need to enter your administrator username and password. Open Onyx from the Applications folder.Ģ. The first time you run Onyx, you’ll need to approve it through macOS’s gatekeeper dialog.

Onyx for yosemite mac install#

Install Onyx from the downloaded disk image. There’s a specific version of Onyx for every version of macOS, so make sure you download the correct one.Ģ. Download Onyx from the developer’s website. Onyx is a free software package that collects a variety maintenance tools, scripts, and Terminal commands into one easy-to-navigate GUI. For first time users, there’s a lot to explore, so use this guide to get your bearings. Mac maintenance is far from glamorous, but if you take good care of your Mac, it will take good care of you.

Onyx for yosemite mac